🔆 Overview

⦿ For volunteers to reach out to the needy ones in emergency situations, big events need to be mapped at Zwarte Cross - one of Europe's leading outdoor shows.

⦿ This event being held on open ground, need to be Mapped based on site plan which specified stalls of vendors and paths for walking, fencing .

🏆 Solution

⦿ Map Creation - The site map pdf was geo-referenced using Q-GIS tools. Then this raster was saved as WMS layer to be used for digitisation. An accurate detailed map of all Areas of Interest (AOIs), Points of Interest (POIs) ,Paths(roads, tracks and trails) and attributes was digitised in a very limited time that was true to ground.

⦿ Quality - The map was refined using GIS topology tool.

📌 Tools & Technologies -


🅱️ Benefits

⦿ This accurate map helped volunteers reach any person in emergency within a blink of eye.

⦿ Provide volunteers with location of emergency exits and first-aid units.

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